Join S.A.R.P.

Why Become a Member of S.A.R.P.?
Make A Bigger Impact in Your Job
Tap into thousands of years of collective experience of your peers for new ideas, fresh insights, and problem solving assistance.
Find the Hidden Job Market
Looking for the next step in your career? Networking online and face-to-face will help you uncover the hidden job market for communication professionals.
Enhance Your Skills
Make a bigger impact in your job. S.A.R.P. offers a number of professional development opportunities to enhance your skills. We’ll provide you with information and training to guide you through countless professional situations and challenges. Professional development sessions include conferences, webinars and other educational opportunities on a wide variety of topics.
Show Support for Your Profession
S.A.R.P. supports Recreation Professionals in Saskatchewan by partnering with post-secondary institutions, government and other organizations, to ensure recreation remains a priority, and to solicit their support in our promotion efforts. We support the development of professional standards in the province and promoting service excellence in the field.
Become a Champion for the Recreation Profession in Saskatchewan
Volunteer with S.A.R.P.! There are many ways to volunteer – contact to find out more!
Want more reasons to join S.A.R.P.?
S.A.R.P. Membership Categories
Professional Membership
Any individual employed in the recreation field or in a related field within Saskatchewan and has graduated from a recognized post-secondary institution with a Diploma or higher in the area of Recreation.
Annual Membership Fee
Associate Membership
Any individual working and/or enrolled in post-secondary in the recreation field within Saskatchewan who ascribes to the goals of the Association but is not eligible for Professional membership.
Annual Membership Fee
Alumni Membership
Available to individuals who have been a Professional Member with the Association and no longer work in the field, but would like to maintain contact with the Association and those presently working in the field. Put your membership fee towards the bursaries and scholarships of our student members!
Annual Membership Fee
Associate Student Membership
You are not working in the recreation field and are currently attending a post-secondary institution, enrolled in a recreation based program.
Annual Membership Fee
Memberships are valid from January 1st – December 31st of each year.
You will need to renew your membership at the beginning of each new year.